Living in Long Island is a first. It's not a very interesting town so I bought my first skateboard.
I ride it before the kiddies get out of school because I get embarrassed when the 14 year olds show up at the park and I can hardly ride in a straight line. I try to practice on my way to work but let's face it, skateboarding is something you should start at an early age.
Sometimes the boat goes to Newport on our way to or from the outer islands. Newport is a much nicer town with lots of people in it. There are a lot of boats that summer in Newport thus a lot more "yachties." Sometimes we get together and do things. Most of the time those things have to do with a bar or rum but not always. This time when we rolled into town a few of us had started playing Polo. Since I have never seen a polo match and haven't ridden a horse in about 15 years, I decided I definitely should try it out.
I think I was quite good, all things considered. I hit the ball quite a few times and even scored a goal. (against equally green polo players, though some very good riders!) Polo is very popular in Rhode Island.
July started off with a bang. The whole fam came out to the great city to see a Broadway play (a first). I chose Mamma Mia so as not to be too serious, themed, or controversial. It worked and everyone left laughing.
The boat was a 72' Santa Cruz sled and we went very fast. Ok there was hardly any wind and we went about 5 knots on average, but we did beat all but 4 boats in. This was my first time in Halifax. It really is a nice city, just cold. I recommend that everyone buy a big, warm hat and go there.

The race was hosted by the Royal Nova Scotia Yacht Squadron. The RNSYS is one of a very few yacht squadrons in the world. The difference between a yacht squadron and a yacht club is that a squadron is sponsored by a royal family and is technically part of a country's armed forces thus it can be called into service in time of war. I dont know if I would want to defend anything with any little sail boat, but who knows.