Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Laurel gets a new job

Yup. it happened.
I am officially working for the man but dont worry, it's working for the man as only I could do. I work on his yacht. In October I started working for a 73' sloop called Encore. She's a beautiful custom design by Sparkman and Stephens built as a racing machine 20 years ago. She doesnt race any more but has won Antigua race week 5 or so times!
Im working as the mate aboard. I guess Im the First Mate but there's only one, me, so I don't thing it's important to specify. I work with a Captain, Brooks, a Chef, Mike (Hammer) and a Stewardess, only we havent hired a stew so I dont know who she is yet. The captain and chef are fabulous people, which is a good thing because we all live together and work together and see each other pretty much all day everyday.
My job is pretty awesome. It is different everyday and keeps my ADD and SOS (shiny object syndrome) well satisfied. Some days I wash the boat. Some days I take things apart like mufflers and winches. Some days I put things together like generators and winches. Some days I help Brooks invent ways to do things like cool our bevys down (we made a deck locker into an insulated and cooled drink locker). Basically I'm in charge of making sure things dont break, fix them when they do, its a boat after all, and keeping the boat looking sharp.
The other part of my job that is awesome is where it takes place. Currently the boat is in the Newport Shipyard for a refit. Newport is a great town but it is getting coooold! Today it was 24 degrees when we got to the boat! Good thing the actual winter takes place in the Caribbean. You didn't think I got a job in the US did you? So I get to go home to the warm blue water and spend 5 months there exploring some new islands further down the chain. In May we make the delivery north and summer in Long Island Sound. All in all some very nice places to live and work and play. And if I work or play too hard it's ok because I have health insurance now too!
So that's me working for the man, or at least his boat and having a terrific time! Come visit when you get a chance!

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Keeping up with Kate

After reading Kate's blog I am re-inspired to try this blog thing out again. Though mine certainly wont be as clever as Kate's it will be full of adventures (random/ adventures.. whatever you call it).
Again Im going to go off my photos. My journal writing happens as often as my blogging!

Often, during adventures we end up climbing things and jumping off of them. This is the day Marco, Dom, Scotty, Jerome, Drew and I dinghied around Virgin Gorda. We stopped at Pajerous Point and climbed up the cliffs at the very North eastern tip of VG. Though we were very careful to keep out shoes dry on the swim in we ended up with some soggy sneakers after jumping off the cliff. O well. No good day ends with dry shoes..

Also among the photos from this year: The Voyage for Cleaner Energy. While in Martha's Vineyard I learned about the sailing vessel 2041
In an effort to build awareness that the treaty that the world signed in agreement to leave Antarctica undeveloped and unclaimed is up for debate in the year 2041. The boat follows a lecture series by Robert Swan. If you get a chance go see his lecture, it's very good. Check the website to see their schedule.

And then there's always big things to discover. While at a regatta party in Portsmouth Chris topped off my bevy with some goslings.

While visiting Michelle in NY we stopped by Super Duper Weenie for lunch. The line was long but the weenies were super. Any time youre traveling up 95 stop at the Black Rock Turnpike and grab a weenier. Worth it for sure.

How many marathons can one person fit into one month you ask? I went for 3. Of course I only ran one of them. Alex and Seth kick off the whole shebang with running the marathon in Berlin. I didnt get to see that one so I'm not counting it in my total. I ran the Newport Marathon in RI with ~600 people. The race was a great course all around Newport and Middletown. 26.2 miles later I had some sore legs and a time of 4:22. It was awesome! Jenna ran with me for ~1 1 miles and we thrilled the camera man at mile 16.
The week after I flew to DC to see Julia run the Marine Corps marathon. It was basically the same as mine... with 24,000 more people. Jules and her friends all finished and did really well!
The week after that was the NYC Marathon that Jordan ran. What a month! Congrats to everyone! Now go sit on a couch and eat something! (and tune back into the blog!)

Sunday, November 9, 2008

Camera contents

In leaving the Caribbean in June I lost my camera cord. I recently received a new one and was able to upload all my photos from the summer. Let's see if I can do a summary blog....There is a slight time gap between my birthday and july due to my camera being replaced while I was in California for Ben and Dee's wedding but let's see what else we have...

My birthday in May was excellent. I celebrated it 4 or 5 times in different locations each time. The first unofficial celebration was with mom and dad on their trip to the bvis. My new rainbow sandals were much needed and are now broken in just right. I was in Boston for my actual birthday and had a wonderful dinner with Jillian and Jen at Temple Bar in Cambridge. From Boston I was headed to NY for a flight back to the bvis. As my official NYC ambassador, Janie had a great plan for a little birthday-ness. When in NYC drink Champagne at The Plaza! Before I left the city I caught up with the Sled Ladies for dinner in what else but a restaurant that looked like a ship! All in all it looks like 24 is going to be a pretty good year!

(insert Ben and Dee's wedding photos/visit to Nell in Portland OR)
Next pictures are of the Blessing of the Fleet in 5 Islands, ME. In true Maine style, the local pastor blesses all of the fishing boats and their men for a safe and prosperous season. Once all the official business is done the fun and games start. First up a parade around the harbor in pea soup fog! After that they let the local kids compete in a trap running contest strung between two docks... only in maine...
I spent the summer up and down between Maine and Martha's Vineyard working on Noctiluca and finding other jobs when I could.

Dad and I hiked Mnt. Washington. I've never done it and Dad hasn't been back since they paved the top so I asked if he would go with me. He was right, of course, that the top was a bit disapointing when you realize everyone else just drove, but it was a great hike!

We had a bit of a UNH reunion when Chris called and asked if I wanted to sail the Downeaster. Alie, Laura, Chris, Dan and I sailed with Shawn and took 2nd for the weekend. With Diana running the RC it was just like sailing on Mendum's!

Back to the islands I go but this time the ferry went a bit further, to Nantucket! I caught up with Adam Knee and Saw Robert Swan speak about global climate change. I helped take his Voyage for Cleaner energy to NYC for their next engagement.

Next up: Ed's wedding. Alex, Seth and I drove out to Jamaica Vermont to celebrate Ed and Lisa's Luau of Love. With a bon fire, a hot tub and a whole lot of Girl Talk we had a great party and some really good egg sandwiches!
We found our way to the Alpine slides on our way home as well as to a snowboard gear museum.

The summer finishes up with some more boating, lots of running (in marathon training) and Xavier Rudd in concert. All in all everything looks good!